I could never find the name of this flower.
Looks the same as the one above except in gold.
Lavender blooms.
Blooming Spanish Dagger and aren't those blue pots wonderful?
I particularly liked this garden arrangement because it is something that would work in my yard. There is not a tree in sight. I'm not sure I would do the center with loosely stacked rock because that is a good place for rattlesnakes to den/nest up. I might have to come up with a variation of the idea or mortar the rock structure.
We built our house on top of a hill. The only trees in our yard are ones which we planted as it is not easy for a tree to work its roots through rock. We planted a pecan tree ten years ago and it is shorter today than when we bought it. Each year I've trimmed a little more off the top because it died. It has probably produced about 30 pecans, total, the entire 10 years. But I keep hoping that one year it will take off.
Here is another garden area that is very attractive to me because, again, I can see it working with what I have to work with. :D
I love this picnic area under the cedar trees.
Isn't the old, rope swing charming?
I have a place for a gate like this. We have plenty of cedar around to build it. It looks easy but decided to take a photo for reference when I start the gate project.
There are brightly painted sheds tucked here and there throughout the garden center.
Gardening in the Central Texas area is very challenging. Not only is rock under about 8-12 inches of soil but the soil also requires a lot of amending. I gave up on gardening several years ago because of the dogs and, frankly, it is really hard work in this area. But, with the recent interest in growing veggies, I'm beginning to think of doing something with the yard. Now if I could only get Maggie to dig where I want her to dig instead of where she wants to do so, it would make a flower garden project much, much easier. :D I have visions of Maggie tearing up the flowers and digging her mortar-size holes in the paths; however, I'll deal with that later if it happens.
Until next time, God bless.