Well, after my doctor's visit re the ankle, I drove over to Home Depot to look at a Dyson DC 25 Animal vacuum. Maybe it is because I've been cooped up for the past four weeks, but the pet hair is getting to me. While there, I found these 16 hour old Boer Goats behind the customer service counter. Their momma(s) rejected them and their surrogate momma had to bring them into work with her. lol They need to be fed on a regular schedule and could not be left home alone. Aren't they the cutest?!
Now for the ankle update, it is not completely healed. The boot stays with me for the next four weeks, but I only have to wear it 75 percent of the time instead of 98 percent. :D This means the boot can be removed to drive then put on when I get out of the car. And, since our terrain is rough and filled with rocks, the boot gives protection when going outside or when very excited dogs circle around. :D I never did mind wearing the thing, but I did mind not being able to drive. Sans hubby I spent a glorious hour at the grocery and another glorious hour at Home Depot.
Until next time, God bless.
Sorry to hear you still have to wear the boot most of the time but if you can drive without it that rocks.
Those little goats are adorable, how could a mom reject anything so cute?
Oh I want one! Although I can imagine they'd be pretty unhappy on my 0.06 acres, I'll have to settle for farm-sitting my friend's goats and sheep every so often :)
Only in a small town...hey you gotta do what you gotta do.
Sorry to hear the ankle still needs work, but also very glad to hear it's MUCH better! And those babies are adorable!
Glad to hear you're healing better. Those babies are so cute. She is blessed to be able to bring them to work.
Darn it all! I hope that ankle heals up soon for you! Love the pic of the little goats, LOL.
I know this sounds silly, but after being cooped up for 4 weeks, the baby goats were a delightful treat. One started to lay back down but couldn't quite decide how to do it.
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