Friday, January 29, 2010

Is This Pathetic Or Not?

It is cold and rainy here in Central Texas today.

I made the dogs go out for doggie business about 10-15 minutes prior to taking this photo. Aren't these the most pathetic looking doggies? Could you ignore this? I can't. Needless to say, I let them back in and sentenced them to their crates until dry. On a happy note, Luc and Maggie got a treat. Going into a crate for Maggie is close to abuse; Luc not so much. He loves his crate at night; but during the daytime, he thinks it is better to be on the couch, wet or not.

Until next time, God bless.


DJan said...

Awww. Anybody who says dogs don't talk never saw these pictures! I'm miserable! Let me in!

Rae said...

I am still smiling as I type this. Those poor little babies -so pathetic :) They sure have a way of making us feel bad, don't they? I love how they are looking at mom and wondering why in the world is she taking our picture - why doesn't she just let us in? The photo is priceless.

Donna said...

They sure have you trained! LOL.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh, poor pitiful little pups. It's it amazing how animals know just the right looks to give us when they want something. Too cute.