Monday, January 26, 2009

What To Do On A Foggy Day?

We are so desperate for moisture in this part of Texas that we are thrilled with any way we can have it! Today we did not get rain but fog hung around until after 3 PM today. There is something almost mystical about fog. You keep peering into the mist expecting something phenomenal to emerge from the mist like a band of ghostly Comanches on horseback or a lone cowboy riding herd over cattle.

I've mentioned in previous posts that Central Texas is in a serious drought. This is our rainy season but in the last three months we have had 1-2/10" of rain. I sweep top soil off my porch every day. The earth look scalped; things long buried appear on the surface. In fact, I'm planning to go down to our creek to see if any arrowheads have been uncovered or fossilized sea creatures.

I am particularly attuned to when it rains and how much since we are on a rainwater collection system for our house and we also have cattle. For backup, we have a well; the water for drinking leaves a lot to be desired. But, it has been said that we haven't been this dry since the 1950's drought.

Besides taking photos of the fog with my telescopic lens, I took advantage of this wonderful, misty day, though, to work on the eight pendant project. Eight friends gave me the dominate colors in their wardrobe to do geometric pendants. I've pulled out various colors of glass to try out color combinations before cutting the glass. There are four beginning stacks in the center of the photo. When satisfied with the colors and the order, I'll finish cutting, stacking,
and ready for the kiln.

Until next time, God bless you.

1 comment:

Mary-Austin said...

I really like to watch the fog just hover above the ground.. it's pretty cool!! I cant' wait to see what you do with those glass pieces.. very intriguing...