Thursday, January 8, 2009

Come in Houston

Tomorrow I'm on my way to visit my best friend since the seventh grade. She even invited our Lab. Now THAT is a good friend, indeed. Her husband loves Labs and is looking forward to meeting Luc.

In preparation for the visit, Luc went to Dog Camp for grooming. It has been too cold to bathe him outside. The last time I tried bathing him in the bathtub I was almost killed -- shades of Marley. Luc weighs about 85 pounds, impossible to keep him in the tub, so tried getting into the tub with Luc to hold him in. Tubs get very slippery with suds flying off a dog bent on escape. This was not one of my smarter ideas.

There were a zillion errands to run in Austin today, one of which was to Helios Kiln Glass Studio to pick up some glass for an eight fused-glass pendant project. This time I made a list to stay focused on the purpose for the trip which anyone with a hobby knows what happens after walking into your particular hobby "candy" shop. On the way to the next errand, I realized I forgot to get a plum glass but Art Glass Fusing Center was nearby. As luck would have it, Bullseye Glass has a new striker out for 2009 - plum - which AGFC had in stock.

Upon return from Houston, the plan is to assemble the pendants and will post pictures to show you a simple glass fusing process. Several projects are in the works....I like to have two, three, four projects going at the same time because when I need to mull over what or how to do something on one, there is another project on which to work. It then comes to me what to do on the one put aside while working on something else. There is a method to my madness. :D

Until next time, God bless.


SaraP said...

Love your musings on bathing of the benefits of having "pocket -sized puppies" is that i can bathe them in a sink and they can't jump out. of course....they then have to be blown dry to avoid catching a cold...which can be a "hairy-ing" ordeal.
I am loving your blog and enjoy trying to keep up with it from Israel...thank you for it!!!

Lynn said...

A big thanks, Sara, for reading...been wondering how you are.
Just this morning I decided to send an email to see if all is well. Look for it this afternoon.