The more I research herbs and the health benefits, the more motivated I am to start a garden . . . again. Due to minor, but painful, physical limitations, I put off doing one until I saw the Backyard Botanical Garden at Sam's. After doing an Internet search, we bought one Saturday, March 28, our 29th wedding anniversary. :D It is not romantic; but, hey, we will be so much healthier after this thing gets going when I start using fresh herbs and veggie right off the plant.

Home, at last, and ready to unload the boxes.

Amazingly, the boxes were easy to unload even though each weighed 160 pounds. We maneuvered them off the truck and placed them next to where the garden is to be assembled. We hoped that we would not have to level the area; yet upon closer inspection, we decided to get some fill and level. Tuesday is D day to pick up the fill except for one small inconvenience .....a little red light appeared on the truck's dash telling us "check engine." :D The truck is with the mechanic. Hopefully, there is no major problem, and the truck will be back in working order to pick up the fill. If not, Thursday is the alternative D day.
Here is a link to the Backyard Botanical Blog which is most helpful. It has a shopping list as well as a planting guide. We are going to substitute the bagged garden soil listed with a garden soil from Geo Growers of Austin. They "make" dirt. :D I love to use organic products.
I'll keep you posted as we go along.
Until next time, God bless.
Lynn, I'd never seen these! They look so convenient and they're pretty too!
OOOOHHH>.. so very cool!! I'm drooling over this. I may have to investigate for an area on my garden as well!! Very cool Lynn. Glad you can get back into it!
Yeah, I'm all excited about the kit.
Still waiting on our little truck to get fixed, we should get it tomorrow, Sunday. We are using a mechanic that lives close to us and does auto repair part time from his house. He is a full time mechanic and so it is taking a tad longer than we had hoped. No matter; we've plenty of time. Our new D day for fill is this coming Tuesday. :D Then after the levelling, it will be assembly time.
The manufacturer says assembly will take about four'll be thrilled if it only takes twice that time?
I hope the truck is better tomorrow so you can get going on your garden!! Hoping it doesn't take TOO long to put it together. You'll have to let us know!
I am a resident of the Hill Country too and I had never seen these! We switched memberships to CostCo a while back, darn it! I grow all kinds of herbs and we have about 200 lavender in the ground. The deer do not bother the lavender or rosemary but LOVE Catnip! Try Gardeners Supply Catalog for a quick solution to your problem of "fencing". It is deer "netting" we added to our short chainlink and it works like a charm. Hope it still looks as pretty as it did when you took this photo!
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