To the left is an actual clump of green, native grass. A clump is better than nothing; you'll notice the surrounding area -- it is pure dirt. I know a clump of grass is not very exciting, but it is to us since a week ago there was no green anywhere!
On the right is a blooming agarita bush. It is almost considered a weed, but some people harvest its berries for jelly. A couple of umbrellas or sheets are placed at the bottom of the bush because the leaves can really stick you. The bush is shaken with a gloved hand to get the berries. I have ne
The yellow flowers give off the faintest but sweetest aroma when passing nearby. Obviously, agarita can survive months and months
Next we have the Mountain Laurel tree. It is a slow grower but truly produces the most magnificent cluster of tiny,
Soon the peach trees will produce some lovely pink flowers. We just hold our breath, though, that there are no hard freezes. When a peach tree is in bloom, a hard freeze cuts down on the peach crop. If you haven't tasted peaches from our part of the world, you haven't lived. :D While our peaches are small, they are the most flavorful peach you have ever put in your mouth. They are addictive. During peach season, you cannot go a day without eating a couple.
When the wild, red bud tree buds out, showing all its glory, you know spring is not far off.
Enjoy the day and until next time, God bless.
Lovely photos, thanks for visiting my blog.
Hi! Thanks for your comment on the shoeproject!
I will include it in my project!
If you have a picture of one of those old shoes that you say you can´t throw away, it would be great if you would send it:-)
I have a new blog adress for the project as well btw, if you want to check it out: it is so far there is just pictures, but stories are to come i hope:-)
Greetings from Mexico!
Hi Lynne - Glad to see some green and flowers happening!! Wish I could will some of our rain in Houston over to you guys!!
Thanks, Mary Austin, I wish you could send some of that rain west.
Both the agarita and the mountain laurel are native to the area and drought resistant - thank goodness! I'm also practicing my camera skills. lol
Hi Lynn, nice to "meet" you. Thank you for visiting and for your kind comments!
Hi again Lynn!
Thanks for the post on the shoeproject! I didn´t see it until today! It is a nice blog you have there!
All the best!
Wow, we've had extreme drought here in NE Georgia, but nothing like that. Amazing how resilient plants are.
Cathy, the severe drought in your area was in the news last night. You have my sympathy that's for sure. :D
Blessings to you and yours. . .
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