Straight Out of the Camera Sunday is the brain child of Murrieta's 365. This meme is for those photos that are perfect and require no tweaking except a crop.
The photos are from my October Wimberley Market Days outing. Wimberley is a favorite get-away-for-the-weekend-spot for many Texans and holds a market day on the first Saturday of each month except January - March. You'll find just about any and every craft on display as well as those trash-to-treasure items. Today, though, here are some beautiful flowers offered.


Pear blossoms. The recent weather has confused the tree to bloom again.

I love the beautiful pink color of the bougainvilla, which is perfect for the month of October (breast cancer awareness month), and was fascinated to learn about the blossoms coming out now!
This is a gorgeous collection. I love the fruit in the basket. I'm a sucker for pretty country scenes and I'm luck to be surrounded by them to photograph! Nice job!
Gorgeous flowers Lynn and those pears look delicious.
Oh, I wish I was on your gift list! I used to buy peach butter and pear butter at a market near my old home. Guess I'll have to make the trek...
I suppose firewood might cost you more than it does up here. That big pile you saw cost the same as one tank of propane, and might last us two years, vs 4 tanks/yr of propane! Plus, we heat our water with it too. You can have your mild winters, though... I'll keep my nice summers! (I can't take the heat.)
Great shots those flowers...ymm...and I also love the pets below...!!
Thanks for visiting my flowers!
Hi Lynn,
I have read your comment on my previous blog and it made me cry again knowing that a lot of my blog friends shows more concern than the real friends and relatives in real life. You know I have a lot of relatives overseas, I even posted the same blog in another social networking site whom they're my contacts, but sad to say they didn't even lift a finger, they didn't even asked if we are still alive. Anyway...thank you so much for your concern, and I will check out the comment settings.
You are right the weather has something to do with the untimely blooming of the fruit trees. Our mango tree is blooming flowers right now which supposedly starts on the month of January.
Wonderful shots. Pears are my favorite. We're in the middle of a drought, too.
The flowers are beautiful Lynn, the Pear blossom especially. It is very unusual for that to happen, the weather is confusing a lot of things right now.
Those pears look delicious, like Lily said, I wish I was on your Christmas list.
Have a great week,
Hi Lynn, Lovely pictures of the pears and pear blossoms. They were at my space at Wimberley Market - the pears came from my son and daughter-in-law's farm. You have a lovely site! Thanks for including us in it.
Hi Lynn, Love the photos of the pears and pear blossoms. They were taken at my space at the Wimberley Market, and came from my son and daughter-in-law's farm. Thanks for including us in your post. You have a lovely blog!
Those flowers are so absolutely beautiful. My Grandfather had a pear tree in his back yard and I miss all the pear preserves and other treats. This brings back great memories
Great photos!
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