Murietta's 365 Straight Out of the Camera Sunday again. Everyone is invited to join in, and there are only two rules: 1) photo must have been taken by you, and 2) no tweaking allowed. Cropping is allowed and is not considered tweaking.
The Canon 70-300mm IS zoom lens arrived Thursday and I've been playing around with it the last couple of days to see what it (and I) can do.

This is a
scissortail that has taken up residence in the bur oak tree. He/she has taken offense to my windows and my husband's truck windows. I found a hanging
thingie with mirrors which I put in the same tree; however, he pays no attention to that and prefers to attack the house windows along with the truck's. I even moved the truck to the far side of the drive circle -- the
scissortail found the truck and resumed attacking the windows. Actually, I can hardly wait until I get a really, really good close-up of a bird or any kind of wild animal. :D

This is an heirloom climbing rose -- do not ask me the name because it was bought many years ago and I've forgotten. :D I have a terrible memory when it comes to plant names.

This was taken at the 300mm setting -- it's a barn
swallow's nest tucked in a corner of the porch. We have another nest on the front porch. I drew the line when a barn swallow tried to build a nest on the upraised garage door since the mud blobs hit the trunk of my car. Besides, I have no idea how a nest would have made it on the thin, metal strips on the inside of the door. The nest was knocked down before completed with a broom handle. The babies leave a mess below the nest, but I can live with that if I don't have to walk through it every time I walk out the door. A good spray nozzle on the hose takes care of the mess.
Don't forget to pop over
here for more straight out of the camera.
Until next time, God bless.
I thin that is a great bird shot! And the rose is so special, such a delicate pink. I think your SOOTC work is coming along great!
Very good.
Fascinating post! That scissortail bird is certainly on a mission! I wonder why!
I normally don't even crop, but today I did. It just seemed to post better.
Cool shot of a Scissor Tail! I love the smell of old roses.
I love the blurred background in the first shot. Really enhances the bird.
All is cute....Happy SOC Sunday.
Great pictures! I really like that rose, it's beautiful. Have a great day!
A View of My Life
We don't have scissortails, here. It's good to learn about new birds from my friends. Love that rose shot; just beautiful.
Such great activity going on around your home! Your photos are wonderful! :)
Phenomenal photos, Lynn. Nice to meet a fellow Gemini & BC survivor.
Great photos. I love roses. And the bird shot is really nice also.
AH! You ARE having fun with your new lens. The scissortail sure has a long tail. I hope he doesn't hurt himself attacking the windows!
I know you said you were waiting to get a really good up close photo of a bird or wild animal but I think your photo of the scissortail is gorgeous! Simply outstanding.
Here's my SOOC Sunday entry - if you'd like to check it out! =)
=) Happy REALLY REALLY belated SOOC Sunday! (lol) =)
LOVE scissor-tailed flycatchers! i miss seeing them...such awesome birds. thanks for sharing!
Great shot of the scissortail, too bad he has a thing for your house and truck. The rose is so pretty, I'll bet it smells wonderful.
I'm back from vacation and catching up. Have a great weekend.
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