In my part of Texas, we were in a drought for years until September/October 2009. We've had a lot of rain the last 6 months. This creek has been dry for at least two years 2 years, probably longer. I'm standing on a low-water bridge; the above photo is to my left.

The same creek but is on my right as I stand on the bridge.

Oh yes, the sun is out and I've been able to do that one thing that Luc obsesses about besides food. I think he would drop dead first before calling off chasing the ball if I did not do it. It helps to keep him trim in addition to a 2-3 mile daily walk as well as wear him out enough to bring him in for the night. After a walk, 2-3 sessions with the ball throughout the day, and then eating, Luc is ready to settle down for the night. Frankly, I don't know if we could stand him if Luc did not get a lot of exercise every day.
Go here for more SOOC Sunday.
Until next time, God bless.
I hope you continue to have ample water throughout the summer. It has been a battle with your drought. I agree about the exercise for labs. They need a healthy dose of it everyday. Without it they are almost unbearable. I wish I had half their energy.
Love the creek photos. We've a long drought, too. Plenty of rain this year, but not enough to declare the drought over! Love Luc, dogs are the best.
It looks cool and interesting shots. happy SOOC Sunday.
the weather has been so crazy all across the country lately.
Hello: Is the pattern of drought and then a lot of rain usual in your part of Texas? You must be in good shape if you do all that exercise with Luc. Valerie
Love your pictures. Hope your drought is over, Beautiful dog. Have a great day.
A View of My Life
Valerie, it is not unusual to have somewhat scarce rainfall where I am located. A few miles from here, a 40 year-old oak was cut and the rings studied. There was only 3-4 years with plenty of rain; the balance of the 40 years showed varying degrees of rainfall. This area gets around an average annual rainfall of 27 inches.
We've been on a rain water collection for in-house use since 1999.I got tired of trying to remember when we had rain, the amount, and started keeping a rain chart in 2006. :D The four years - 2006,'07,'08 and '09, bear out the average. We only had 16 inches in 2006, 11.65 inches in 2008, and the top soil started blowing away in late 2008, early 2009. We did not start getting enough rain until September/October 2009.
Too bad we cannot dictate and control the weather. :D
Very nice pictures! And yes, Luc does look to be trim and fit. What is it about dogs and balls??? I like the new look of your blog, too. St. Patrick's Day must be coming up soon.
Creeking is one of my favorite things to do! This one looks realy promising. Lovely shots. WE are in the midst of flooding.
The creek looks so serene and nice place to think and enjoy beautiful weather.
Sadie is unusual for a lab... she is happy to lie around all day! But when Daddy says, "Wanna go to work?" she's bouncing off the walls!
Our creek is overflowing. I can't usually see the water from the house, just the path of the bank. It will take a lot of warm, sunny days to dry us out!
Considering all the dry areas you were showing us photos of this summer all that water has got to be a relief. Hopefully this summer will not bring more drought.
Luc looks so full of energy, it probably is good to tire him out before bedtime. Great photos Lynn.
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